Thursday, 25 January 2007


The simple ones are the best…

This shelving system from Peter Marigold borders on genius, you buy as many wedges as you need to fill whatever gap you have available, then wedge them in - no fixings, spirit levels or arguments with the misses…

It expands and contracts to fit any size gap and is avialble online here

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Biscuits of the World

Flourish tradition has it that whenever anyone gets time off work for a bit of a holiday, they must return with biscuits from their destination. So after Catherine's long weekend in Marrekesh (also known as her annual leave) we are enjoying these fine Morrocan delicacies…

We're undecided as to whether cardamon or coconut is the dominent flavour, but one things for sure - they're very good dunkers.

Monday, 22 January 2007

I Heart Pac Man

I've long been a lover of all things Pac Man related, as such I was chuffed to come across this…

…possibly the cleverest reference to the game of all games I have ever seen.

via kanardo

Thursday, 18 January 2007

Running From Camera

Wonderful photographic project, based around a single premise…

"The rules are simple: I put the self-timer on 2 seconds, push the button and try to get as far from the camera as I can."

I love the fact that he can (and does) execute this pretty much anywhere and as such you're left wondering about his choice of location and his relationship with it.

Also interesting that seeing a fellow sprinting away automatically carries some assumption that he's up to no good, a thought that can clearly be seen in the reaction of the (rather startled) passers by.

Great stuff

via Design Evolution, who also lead me to this rather wonderful video.

Tuesday, 16 January 2007

A Sticky Interface

The outdoor ice rink we designed in Birmingham has just closed and amongst the stuff that came back to the office was a load of left over stickers. This lead to an interesting game - how many can we stick on Guy C without him twigging…

As you can see the crowning glory has to be the one on his head. He only found out when we e-mailed him this picture of his artfully decorated back.

Sunday, 14 January 2007


Really didn't think we'd wade in on the most blogged subject of the last 12 months (probably), but then I found out this was on ebay…

…and couldn't resist.

via core77

Friday, 12 January 2007

DIY Giant Alarm Clock

More step by step instruction from the wonderful world of self build LED stuff (see wheels of wonder), this time it's a giant alarm clock for the wall.

Full build it yourself guide here

Thursday, 11 January 2007

2006 RiP

A little bit behind on the blogging front (we're mannic and illness is sweeping through the office) so only just got round to our best of year list - some work related, some personal

Most Rewarding Work Moment - Watching 1,000 punters going ape to the Strokes playing in front of the dinosaur at the National History Museum. A gig we designed, that had to be built, rigged and sound checked in just over 2 hours!

Most Worrying Work Moment - The 50m long wall planner at the World Cup Fan Park, the biggest bit of print we had ever created (and one that needed to get updated daily with a cherry picker!), watching it go up was a bit nerve racking to say the least

Most Satisfying End Result - Always a nice feeling when things turned out pretty much exactly as you'd intended, the bar at the T-Mobile Street Ice rink was as close to our initial visuals as anything we've ever done.

Best Meal - Cal Pep, a simple tapas bar in the old town of Barcelona. Seated at the counter we ate dish after dish of extraordinarily fresh, simple food. All ordered in the traditional "point at someone else's plate" style of the food tourist

Best Album: Neil Diamond - 13 Songs
The soundtrack to our formative months, working in the spare room, before we got a proper office and stuff

Best Single: Hot Chip - Over and Over
Proper dance music, played by geeky looking individuals who stand in a line and punch the air with joy - just as electronic music should be

Best Compilation: Danny Rampling - Break for Love
18 years of musical bliss on three CDs, never the greatest mixer (in my humble opinion) but boy could he select a tune or two

Trainer of the year
Can't speak for the other members of team Flourish, but I'm loving my new Air Stabs, designed by Hitomi Yokoyama for Nike and not quite as garish on the foot as they are in the picture

Wednesday, 3 January 2007

Best Present

I know it's better to give than to recieve and rude to gloat, but thought I would share my favourite Christmas present. It's a platter featuring one my favourite London landmarks - Trellick Tower. I used to be able to see it from my flat and as such its very dear to my heart.

Made by the wonderfully named People will Always Need Plates (remember the Maureen Lipman BT advert - "you got an ology…") I can't decide wether to use it or hang it on the wall.

By coincidence, Rob (one half of PWANP) and I went to university together and spent a year or two as colleagues at Park Avenue, a fact that my wife didn't realise when she bought it for me.

It's fantastic to see old friends creating such wonderful work and making a huge success out of a great idea.