Thursday, 16 August 2007


Bordering on genius...

A simple solution to an age old problem, I really hope it functions as well as these pictures suggest. I believe the designers name is Jonathan Aspinall, but I haven't been able to find a site for him or any information on production / purchase.

via core77

UPDATE - link for Jonathan Aspinall's home page, many thanks to CTH for helping track him down.


Had a bit of sleepless night and found myself in front of YouTube very early this morning watching this..

Now I'm not really into skate boarding and freely admit to knowing very little about it, but I have always admired Rodney Mullen and this 'best of' clip shows why. He just seems to do things differently from everyone else, each trick leaves you trying to work out what happenend and some of the slow motion stuff blows your mind.

Well worth watching all the way through.

A bit of Ibizia comes to Clerkenwell

Not content with bringing back some rather wonderful biscuits Guy C has been recreating his Ibizian voyage with the help of Radio Sonica.

Apparently they provided the soundtrack to his holiday and thanks to 24 hour streaming via itunes they have been providing uplifting moments to one and all at Flourish HQ.

A pleasing mix of all things baleric with an anything goes playlist and a distinct lack of spoken content makes the station very listenable. The site also has some on the money mixes available for download.

Tune in here

Biscuits of the World Part 6

Well Guy C outdid himself this time, after his two week sojurn on the white island he returned to Flourish HQ armed with these little babies...

A fine selction of all things almond (which seems to be a bit of a running theme in Spanish confectionary - see earlier BOTW posts). My personal favourite was the long tube type thing - a great dunker that remains crispy even after a good soaking in coffee.

The packaging wasn't quite as beautiful as other offerings in the series but boy did they taste good.