Monday, 21 May 2007

Young Man

Well we got one..

I am now the proud tennant of half an allotment (16b). Not the one written about below with the luxury shed but a slightly smaller plot with what can only be described as a very un luxury shed.

On Sunday, my green fingered partner in crime and I spent our first day toiling the soil. It was wonderful on many levels, we are throwing ourselves headfirst into the allotment life style, highlights as follows...

1 - We listened to Test Match special on long wave Radio 4
2 - We met several of neighbours, all of whom were more than happy to offer advice, tips and general banter - we pretty much ignored it all and ploughed on
3 - We shared a pack of Werthers Originals during our tea break

Other highlights include the fact that because all the other tenants are of a certain age we get refered to as "young men", something that hasen't happened to either of us for a while.

In all we managed to dig and weed about half of our patch. Next steps are to build the raised beds and then get planting.

We have a clearly defined mission for year one - to grow our own Christmas lunch, we're even investigating how much space a turkey needs to grow. I'll keep you posted.

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