Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Zipping Up My Boots...

Well I'm heading home after a few days working in Dubai. It's been a great experience, I've met some interesting people, made progress on a very exciting project and enjoyed myself of an evening.

It's fascinating trying to get your head around a totally different market, you can't make any assumptions based on your own experience - this has the extremely positive effect of making you question every stage of an idea, checking it works in this environment, making sure it's viable and relating it back to the customer's situation. Of course it should work like that on any project, but without being able to take anything for granted it really makes you work hard for a solution.

The city itself is changing at such a rate, the amount of development is truly mindblowing, the maps have vast areas marked as UC (under construction) the scale and ambition of the projects is awe inspiring - creeks are dug, miles of new coastline created, mountains built, beaches cooled - whatever it takes to get the desired result. I found this attitude began to affect my thinking - it grew bigger in ambition and less rooted in practicality, you truly begin to believe that anything is possible. and that's a really healthy mindset with which to come up with big ideas.

I look forward to coming back one day soon.

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